Housing Element
In compliance with state housing law, the Town of Danville adopted its 2023-2031 Housing Element, which has been submitted to the State of California for review and certification. State law mandates communities throughout California--including Danville--to accommodate a greater number of higher density multi-family housing units, including sites that were previously designated for other types of uses in the Danville 2030 General Plan. The Town's role is not to construct housing but to identify where and how Danville will accommodate the state-assigned units for people of all income groups. For the upcoming 2023-2031 planning period, the Town is expected to accommodate a minimum of 2,241 new homes.
The Housing Element update has been developed following a lengthy public process including inviting the community to identify suggested housing sites, evaluate housing plan simulations, and presentation of the proposed Housing Element update at Planning Commission and Town Council public hearings.
Many recent changes to State law have significantly eroded local control over housing development and increased the severity of penalties for non-compliance. Securing the State's certification of the Housing Element ensures that Danville remains eligible for state funding and avoid fines of up to $600,000 per month. Most importantly, a compliant Housing Element avoids potential lawsuits, with consequences that include court mandated compliance, court suspension of local control over building permits, and court approval of housing development on the Town's half.
Concerns about the impacts of state legislation are most effectively expressed directly to our State legislators, who are: Senate Steve Glazer and Assemblymember Rebecca Bauer-Kahan.
Subscribe to this page to stay informed about upcoming meetings and information. Learn more from the Housing Element Fact Sheet and Housing Element FAQs.
In compliance with state housing law, the Town of Danville adopted its 2023-2031 Housing Element, which has been submitted to the State of California for review and certification. State law mandates communities throughout California--including Danville--to accommodate a greater number of higher density multi-family housing units, including sites that were previously designated for other types of uses in the Danville 2030 General Plan. The Town's role is not to construct housing but to identify where and how Danville will accommodate the state-assigned units for people of all income groups. For the upcoming 2023-2031 planning period, the Town is expected to accommodate a minimum of 2,241 new homes.
The Housing Element update has been developed following a lengthy public process including inviting the community to identify suggested housing sites, evaluate housing plan simulations, and presentation of the proposed Housing Element update at Planning Commission and Town Council public hearings.
Many recent changes to State law have significantly eroded local control over housing development and increased the severity of penalties for non-compliance. Securing the State's certification of the Housing Element ensures that Danville remains eligible for state funding and avoid fines of up to $600,000 per month. Most importantly, a compliant Housing Element avoids potential lawsuits, with consequences that include court mandated compliance, court suspension of local control over building permits, and court approval of housing development on the Town's half.
Concerns about the impacts of state legislation are most effectively expressed directly to our State legislators, who are: Senate Steve Glazer and Assemblymember Rebecca Bauer-Kahan.
Subscribe to this page to stay informed about upcoming meetings and information. Learn more from the Housing Element Fact Sheet and Housing Element FAQs.
Town of Danville 2023-2031 Housing Element Certified by HCD
Share Town of Danville 2023-2031 Housing Element Certified by HCD on Facebook Share Town of Danville 2023-2031 Housing Element Certified by HCD on Twitter Share Town of Danville 2023-2031 Housing Element Certified by HCD on Linkedin Email Town of Danville 2023-2031 Housing Element Certified by HCD linkOn April 9, 2024, the Town of Danville received a response letter from HCD finding the adopted housing element in substantial compliance with State Housing Element Law (Gov. Code, § 65580 et seq).
Housing Element Submitted to HCD Following Town Council Re-Adoption
Share Housing Element Submitted to HCD Following Town Council Re-Adoption on Facebook Share Housing Element Submitted to HCD Following Town Council Re-Adoption on Twitter Share Housing Element Submitted to HCD Following Town Council Re-Adoption on Linkedin Email Housing Element Submitted to HCD Following Town Council Re-Adoption linkOn February 6, 2024, the Danville Town Council re-adopted the Town’s 2023-2031 Housing Element. On February 9 2024, the Town submitted the adopted Housing Element to the State for certification.
02.06.24 Staff Report to Town Council
02.09.24 2023-2031 Housing Element Final Formal Submission to HCD
Housing Element Deemed Substantially Compliant with State Housing Law by HCD
Share Housing Element Deemed Substantially Compliant with State Housing Law by HCD on Facebook Share Housing Element Deemed Substantially Compliant with State Housing Law by HCD on Twitter Share Housing Element Deemed Substantially Compliant with State Housing Law by HCD on Linkedin Email Housing Element Deemed Substantially Compliant with State Housing Law by HCD linkOn December 22, the Town of Danville resubmitted the 2023-2031 Housing Element for a third round of review. HCD has 60 days to complete subsequent reviews of the Housing Element.
12.22.23 2023-2031 Housing Element - 3rd Formal Submittal to HCD
On January 2, 2024, the Town received a response letter from HCD, finding the revised draft element met the statutory requirements that were described in HCD’s December 5, 2023 review. The housing element will substantially comply with State Housing Element Law (Gov. Code, § 65580 et seq) when it is adopted, submitted and approved by HCD, in accordance with Government Code section 65585.
01.02.24 Response Letter from HCD
On January 17, 2024, the Planning Commission approved Resolution No. 2024-01, recommending the Town Council adopt the Danville 2023-2031 General Plan Housing Element. The Housing Element will be presented to Town Council for readoption at the February 6, 2024 regular meeting. Agenda & Meetings
The 2023-2031 DRAFT Housing Element has been resubmitted to HCD for a third review
Share The 2023-2031 DRAFT Housing Element has been resubmitted to HCD for a third review on Facebook Share The 2023-2031 DRAFT Housing Element has been resubmitted to HCD for a third review on Twitter Share The 2023-2031 DRAFT Housing Element has been resubmitted to HCD for a third review on Linkedin Email The 2023-2031 DRAFT Housing Element has been resubmitted to HCD for a third review linkFollowing the seven-day public review period from December 14 through December 21, the Town resubmitted the adopted 2023-2031 Housing Element for a third round of review on Friday, December 22. HCD has 60 days to complete the subsequent review of the Housing Element.
12.22.23 2023-2031 Housing Element - 3rd Formal Submittal to HCD
Danville addresses concerns with HCD and submits 3rd formal review for public comment
Share Danville addresses concerns with HCD and submits 3rd formal review for public comment on Facebook Share Danville addresses concerns with HCD and submits 3rd formal review for public comment on Twitter Share Danville addresses concerns with HCD and submits 3rd formal review for public comment on Linkedin Email Danville addresses concerns with HCD and submits 3rd formal review for public comment linkOn January 31, 2023, the Town sent the first draft of the Housing Element to the State Department of Housing and Development (HCD) for review and certification. On April 25, 2023, the Town received a letter from HCD stating that the draft Housing Element meets many State requirements but needs several revisions to fully comply with State law.
On October 6, 2023, the Town resubmitted the adopted 2023-2031 Housing Element for a second round of review. HCD had 60 days to complete all subsequent reviews of the Housing Element. Since October, Town staff has worked closely with HCD to address any additional revisions needed and submitted revised versions.
On December 6, 2023, State HCD issued a formal letter to the Town stating that although the revisions address “most statutory requirements described in HCD’s March 30, 2023, review; however, additional revisions are necessary to substantially comply with State Housing Element Law (Gov. Code, § 65580 et seq)”.
Staff worked with HCD to address remaining concerns, which are reflected in the 12.14.23 2023-2031 Housing Element - 3rd Formal Submittal for Public Comment.
The comment period is open until December 21, 2023 and all comments may be sent to David Crompton, Chief of Planning, at dcrompton@danville.ca.gov
Danville Receives Comment Letter Back From HCD
Share Danville Receives Comment Letter Back From HCD on Facebook Share Danville Receives Comment Letter Back From HCD on Twitter Share Danville Receives Comment Letter Back From HCD on Linkedin Email Danville Receives Comment Letter Back From HCD linkIn our last post, we shared that the Town had incorporated feedback and direction from the State Housing and Community Development Department (State HCD) and resubmitted a Revised 2023-2031 Housing Element in November 2023.
Unfortunately, on December 6, 2023, State HCD issued a formal letter to the Town stating that although the revisions address “most statutory requirements described in HCD’s March 30, 2023, review; however, additional revisions are necessary to substantially comply with State Housing Element Law (Gov. Code, § 65580 et seq)”. 120623 Comment Letter from HCD
The Danville Town Council will receive a more detailed update at its regularly scheduled Study Session on Tuesday, December 12, 2023, at 8:30 AM. The meeting will be held at the Danville Town Meeting Hall located at 201 Front Street, Danville. Agenda & Meetings
Danville further addresses State comments in revised 2023-2031 Housing Element and resubmits for review
Share Danville further addresses State comments in revised 2023-2031 Housing Element and resubmits for review on Facebook Share Danville further addresses State comments in revised 2023-2031 Housing Element and resubmits for review on Twitter Share Danville further addresses State comments in revised 2023-2031 Housing Element and resubmits for review on Linkedin Email Danville further addresses State comments in revised 2023-2031 Housing Element and resubmits for review linkOn January 31, 2023, the Town sent the first draft of the Housing Element to the State Department of Housing and Development (HCD) for review. For this first review, HCD’s had 90 days to provide comments back to the Town. On April 25, 2023, the Town received a letter from HCD stating that the draft Housing Element meets many State requirements but needs several revisions to fully comply with State law.
On October 6, 2023, the Town resubmitted the adopted 2023-2031 Housing Element for a second round of review. HCD had 60 days to complete all subsequent reviews of the Housing Element. Since October, Town staff has worked closely with HCD to address any additional revisions needed to fully comply with State law.
On November 30, 2023, the Town resubmitted the Revised 2023-2031 Housing Element for final review.
11.30.23 2023-2031 Housing Element - Revised Formal Submittal to HCD
The Town’s revised 2023-2031 Housing Element is available for public review. The public review period ends on November 30, 2023
Share The Town’s revised 2023-2031 Housing Element is available for public review. The public review period ends on November 30, 2023 on Facebook Share The Town’s revised 2023-2031 Housing Element is available for public review. The public review period ends on November 30, 2023 on Twitter Share The Town’s revised 2023-2031 Housing Element is available for public review. The public review period ends on November 30, 2023 on Linkedin Email The Town’s revised 2023-2031 Housing Element is available for public review. The public review period ends on November 30, 2023 linkIn accordance with state law enacted in 1969, the Town of Danville, along with all California cities and counties, must update its Housing Element every eight years. As a policy document, the Housing Element identifies where and how Danville will accommodate the housing needs for people of all income groups. For the upcoming 2023-2031 planning period, the Town is expected to accommodate a minimum of 2,241 new homes.
On January 31, 2023, the Town sent the first draft of the Housing Element to the State Department of Housing and Development (HCD) for review and certification. On April 25, 2023, the Town received a letter from HCD stating that the draft Housing Element meets many State requirements but needs several revisions to fully comply with State law.
On October 6, 2023, the Town revised the technical content of the adopted 2023-2031 Housing Element and resubmitted for a second round of review. HCD provided feedback that additional revisions would be needed.
The Town has worked to address all of HCD’s comments and intends to re-submit the document to HCD after the close of this public review period.
Comments may be sent to David Crompton, Chief of Planning, at dcrompton@danville.ca.gov.
11.22.23 2023-2031 Housing Element - Revised Formal Submittal for Public Comment
Danville addresses State comments in revised 2023-2031 Housing Element and resubmits for review
Share Danville addresses State comments in revised 2023-2031 Housing Element and resubmits for review on Facebook Share Danville addresses State comments in revised 2023-2031 Housing Element and resubmits for review on Twitter Share Danville addresses State comments in revised 2023-2031 Housing Element and resubmits for review on Linkedin Email Danville addresses State comments in revised 2023-2031 Housing Element and resubmits for review linkAt the conclusion of a six-month process working with the State of California, Danville has revised the technical content of the adopted 2023-2031 Housing Element and resubmitted for a second round of review on October 6, 2023. The Town is expecting feedback from the State within the next 60 days.
The Town’s revised 2023-2031 Housing Element is available for public review. The public review period ends on October 3, 2023
Share The Town’s revised 2023-2031 Housing Element is available for public review. The public review period ends on October 3, 2023 on Facebook Share The Town’s revised 2023-2031 Housing Element is available for public review. The public review period ends on October 3, 2023 on Twitter Share The Town’s revised 2023-2031 Housing Element is available for public review. The public review period ends on October 3, 2023 on Linkedin Email The Town’s revised 2023-2031 Housing Element is available for public review. The public review period ends on October 3, 2023 linkIn accordance with state law enacted in 1969, the Town of Danville, along with all California cities and counties, must update its Housing Element every eight years. As a policy document, the Housing Element identifies where and how Danville will accommodate the housing needs for people of all income groups. For the upcoming 2023-2031 planning period, the Town is expected to accommodate a minimum of 2,241 new homes.
On January 31, 2023, the Town sent the first draft of the Housing Element to the State Department of Housing and Development (HCD) for review and certification. On April 25, 2023, the Town received a letter from HCD stating that the draft Housing Element meets many State requirements but needs several revisions to fully comply with State law.
The Town has worked to address all of HCD’s comments, and intends to re-submit the document to HCD after the close of this public review period.
Comments may be sent to David Crompton, Chief of Planning, at dcrompton@danville.ca.gov.
09.26.23 2023-2031 Housing Element – Revised Formal Submittal For Public Comment
Follow Project
Housing Element Cycle
Housing Element has finished this stageStatewide Housing Projection and Allocation to Regions (ongoing)
- Responsible for projecting California's housing needs
- Apportions the calculated statewide housing need to the 18 metropolitan regions in California
- San Francisco Bay Area, represented by the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG), was assigned 441,176 housing units for the next 8-year cycle (2023-2031)
Region (S.F. Bay Area)
Housing Element has finished this stageRHNA Methodology and Allocation to Municipalities (2019-2021)
- ABAG develops a 'Regional Housing Need Allocation' (RHNA) methodology to apportion the State's assignment to its 101 cities and 9 counties
- Danville was assigned a minimum of 2,241 units at the conclusion of the RHNA process
- Danville appealed its assignment and the appeal was denied
- Assignments for all cities and counties are available at: abag.ca.gov/our-work/housing/rhna-regional-housing-needs- allocation
Local (Danville)
Housing Element has finished this stageIdentify Sites and Programs to Accommodate Housing Assignment (2021-2023)
- Danville engages with its community in a two-year multi-step process to identify enough land to accommodate a minimum of 2,241 units for the next 8-year cycle
- Town Council adopts 2023-2031 Housing Element and submits it to the State of California by the statutory deadline of January 31, 2023
State (Review)
Housing Element has finished this stageReview Submitted Housing Elements for Compliance (2023)
- California Department of Housing and Community Development (State HCD) reviewed and provided feedback on March 30, 2023
- Danville resubmits on October 6, 2023, addressing State HCD comments
- State HCD ‘certifies’ all Housing Elements that they have deemed to have met State requirements
Local (Danville)
Housing Element is currently at this stageImplement State-certified Housing Element (2023-2031)
- As necessary, Danville will adopt the State-certified version of the 2023-2031 Housing Element
- Housing plan implementation
Project Documents
040924 - Response Letter from HCD.pdf (195 KB) (pdf)
Housing Element Community Information.pdf (4.02 MB) (pdf)
Housing Sites.pdf (142 KB) (pdf)
Legislative Context.pdf (114 KB) (pdf)
02.09.24 2023-2031 Housing Element Final Formal Submittal (Clean).pdf (39.4 MB) (pdf)
01.02.24 Response Letter from HCD.pdf (175 KB) (pdf)
12.22.23 2023-2031 Housing Element - 3rd Formal Submittal to HCD.pdf (33.6 MB) (pdf)
12.14.23 2023-2031 Housing Element - 3rd Formal Submittal for Public Comment.pdf (33.5 MB) (pdf)
12.05.23 Response Letter from HCD.pdf (185 KB) (pdf)
11.30.23 2023-2031 Housing Element - Revised 2nd Formal Submittal to HCD.pdf (34.4 MB) (pdf)
11.22.23 2023-2031 Housing Element - Revised 2nd Formal Submittal for Public Comment.pdf (31.2 MB) (pdf)
10.06.23 2023-2031 Housing Element - 2nd Formal Submittal to HCD.pdf (72 MB) (pdf)
09.26.23 2023-2031 Housing Element – Revised Formal Submittal for Public Comment (62.9 MB) (pdf)
12.09.22 Draft 2023-2031 Housing Element – Revised Preliminary Submittal to HCD.pdf (36.2 MB) (pdf)
02.21.23 Adopted 2023-2031 Housing Element – Technical Update (Non-Substantive) (35.5 MB) (pdf)
01.31.23 Adopted 2023-2031 Housing Element – 1st Formal Submittal to HCD (34.5 MB) (pdf)
01.17.23 Proposed 2023-2031 Housing Element for Town Council Public Hearing (44.8 MB) (pdf)
DanvilleHCDLetterMarch302023.pdf (217 KB) (pdf)
Housing Element Presentation - Town Council 20230117.pdf (1.28 MB) (pdf)
Housing Element Comments from Department of Housing and Community Development.pdf (256 KB) (pdf)
08.12.22 Draft 2023-2031 Housing Element – Preliminary Submittal to HCD.pdf (33.8 MB) (pdf)
Danville Housing Element Update Final Programmatic EIR.pdf (2.45 MB) (pdf)
Housing Element FACT SHEET (Updated 071321).pdf (3.86 MB) (pdf)
Housing Element FACT SHEET - CHINESE.pdf (4.15 MB) (pdf)
Housing Element FACT SHEET - SPANISH.pdf (3.78 MB) (pdf)
Housing Element FAQ.pdf (150 KB) (pdf)
Housing Element FAQ - CHINESE.pdf (514 KB) (pdf)
Housing Element FAQ - SPANISH.pdf (85 KB) (pdf)
Appeal Process
07.01.22 Draft 2023-2031 Housing Element – For Public Review
DRAFT Danville 2023-2031 Housing Element for Public Review.pdf (5.85 MB) (pdf)
APPENDIX A – Background Data and Housing Needs Report (Draft).pdf (3.71 MB) (pdf)
APPENDIX B – Constraints Analysis (Draft).pdf (1.5 MB) (pdf)
APPENDIX C - Housing Resources and Site Inventor (Draft).pdf (729 KB) (pdf)
APPENDIX D - Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (Draft).pdf (21.3 MB) (pdf)
APPENDIX E - Review of Prior Housing Element (Draft).pdf (586 KB) (pdf)
APPENDIX F – Public Participation in the Housing Element Update (Draft).pdf (803 KB) (pdf)
APPENDIX G – Housing Element Implementation Plan (Draft).pdf (844 KB) (pdf)
Draft Housing Element Programmatic EIR (Individual Documents)
Danville Housing Element Update EIR 9.12.2022 .pdf (24.3 MB) (pdf)
Appendix A - NOP.pdf (3.98 MB) (pdf)
Appendix B - Air Quality & GHG.pdf (2.02 MB) (pdf)
Appendix C - Biological Resources.pdf (14.3 MB) (pdf)
Appendix C - Aquatic Resources.pdf (12.7 MB) (pdf)
Appendix D - Hydrology Memo.pdf (1.86 MB) (pdf)
Appendix E - Noise & Vibration.pdf (3.81 MB) (pdf)
Appendix F - VMT.pdf (778 KB) (pdf)
Reference Materials
ABAG - Final RHNA Assignment CCC.pdf (135 KB) (pdf)
How to Quick Resource Guide Mobile Mapping Tool.pdf (1.78 MB) (pdf)
How To Quick Resource Guide Desktop Mapping Tool.pdf (2.32 MB) (pdf)
Town of Danville Boundary Map (419 KB) (pdf)
HCD Housing Element Inventory Guidebook (522 KB) (pdf)
Mail-in Priorities Surveys as of 08/27/21 PDF (102 MB) (pdf)
HCD Enforcement Flow Chart.pdf (260 KB) (pdf)
Housing Element Process Timeline (All Levels).jpg (3.26 MB) (jpg)
Housing Element Update Timeline.pdf (52.9 KB) (pdf)
Goldfarb Encinitas memo re housing element penalties.pdf (708 KB) (pdf)
Quick Polls
What do you feel is the most significant housing issue facing Danville community members?
Learn More about Requirements
Who's Listening
Town of Danville
Phone (925) 314-3388 Email talkhousing@danville.ca.gov -
Chief of Planning
Development Services Director