Housing Element

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In compliance with state housing law, the Town of Danville adopted its 2023-2031 Housing Element, which has been submitted to the State of California for review and certification. State law mandates communities throughout California--including Danville--to accommodate a greater number of higher density multi-family housing units, including sites that were previously designated for other types of uses in the Danville 2030 General Plan. The Town's role is not to construct housing but to identify where and how Danville will accommodate the state-assigned units for people of all income groups. For the upcoming 2023-2031 planning period, the Town is expected to accommodate a minimum of 2,241 new homes.

The Housing Element update has been developed following a lengthy public process including inviting the community to identify suggested housing sites, evaluate housing plan simulations, and presentation of the proposed Housing Element update at Planning Commission and Town Council public hearings.

Many recent changes to State law have significantly eroded local control over housing development and increased the severity of penalties for non-compliance. Securing the State's certification of the Housing Element ensures that Danville remains eligible for state funding and avoid fines of up to $600,000 per month. Most importantly, a compliant Housing Element avoids potential lawsuits, with consequences that include court mandated compliance, court suspension of local control over building permits, and court approval of housing development on the Town's half.

Concerns about the impacts of state legislation are most effectively expressed directly to our State legislators, who are: Senate Steve Glazer and Assemblymember Rebecca Bauer-Kahan.

Subscribe to this page to stay informed about upcoming meetings and information. Learn more from the Housing Element Fact Sheet and Housing Element FAQs.

In compliance with state housing law, the Town of Danville adopted its 2023-2031 Housing Element, which has been submitted to the State of California for review and certification. State law mandates communities throughout California--including Danville--to accommodate a greater number of higher density multi-family housing units, including sites that were previously designated for other types of uses in the Danville 2030 General Plan. The Town's role is not to construct housing but to identify where and how Danville will accommodate the state-assigned units for people of all income groups. For the upcoming 2023-2031 planning period, the Town is expected to accommodate a minimum of 2,241 new homes.

The Housing Element update has been developed following a lengthy public process including inviting the community to identify suggested housing sites, evaluate housing plan simulations, and presentation of the proposed Housing Element update at Planning Commission and Town Council public hearings.

Many recent changes to State law have significantly eroded local control over housing development and increased the severity of penalties for non-compliance. Securing the State's certification of the Housing Element ensures that Danville remains eligible for state funding and avoid fines of up to $600,000 per month. Most importantly, a compliant Housing Element avoids potential lawsuits, with consequences that include court mandated compliance, court suspension of local control over building permits, and court approval of housing development on the Town's half.

Concerns about the impacts of state legislation are most effectively expressed directly to our State legislators, who are: Senate Steve Glazer and Assemblymember Rebecca Bauer-Kahan.

Subscribe to this page to stay informed about upcoming meetings and information. Learn more from the Housing Element Fact Sheet and Housing Element FAQs.

Housing Plan Simulation Tool

CLOSED: This simulation tool is no longer available.

Welcome to the Town of Danville's Housing Simulation Tool, designed for community engagement. The potential housing sites shown were identified through the Housing Site Suggestion Map (“Pin Map”) public input process and staff analysis. This tool will be available July 1 through August 1. 

CLOSED: This simulation tool has concluded.
Page last updated: 17 May 2024, 12:07 PM