Housing Element Deemed Substantially Compliant with State Housing Law by HCD
On December 22, the Town of Danville resubmitted the 2023-2031 Housing Element for a third round of review. HCD has 60 days to complete subsequent reviews of the Housing Element.
12.22.23 2023-2031 Housing Element - 3rd Formal Submittal to HCD
On January 2, 2024, the Town received a response letter from HCD, finding the revised draft element met the statutory requirements that were described in HCD’s December 5, 2023 review. The housing element will substantially comply with State Housing Element Law (Gov. Code, § 65580 et seq) when it is adopted, submitted and approved by HCD, in accordance with Government Code section 65585.
01.02.24 Response Letter from HCD
On January 17, 2024, the Planning Commission approved Resolution No. 2024-01, recommending the Town Council adopt the Danville 2023-2031 General Plan Housing Element. The Housing Element will be presented to Town Council for readoption at the February 6, 2024 regular meeting. Agenda & Meetings