Danville further addresses State comments in revised 2023-2031 Housing Element and resubmits for review
On January 31, 2023, the Town sent the first draft of the Housing Element to the State Department of Housing and Development (HCD) for review. For this first review, HCD’s had 90 days to provide comments back to the Town. On April 25, 2023, the Town received a letter from HCD stating that the draft Housing Element meets many State requirements but needs several revisions to fully comply with State law.
On October 6, 2023, the Town resubmitted the adopted 2023-2031 Housing Element for a second round of review. HCD had 60 days to complete all subsequent reviews of the Housing Element. Since October, Town staff has worked closely with HCD to address any additional revisions needed to fully comply with State law.
On November 30, 2023, the Town resubmitted the Revised 2023-2031 Housing Element for final review.
11.30.23 2023-2031 Housing Element - Revised Formal Submittal to HCD