ABAG recommends rejecting Town's appeal for a revision of its RHNA shares.
On July 9, 2021, The Town of Danville submitted an appeal for a revision of its share of the regional housing need for the 6th Cycle Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) to the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG). On Friday, September 24, 2021, Danville presented its case to the ABAG Administrative Committee. Of the seven local cities presenting cases on Friday, none were successful in adjusting their allocations.
The likelihood of success for any RHNA appeal is very low due to two main factors: the narrowly defined legal grounds for an appeal and because any reduction in one city's RHNA means it must be offset with increases to other cities. Community members wishing to find out more about the appeal process can visit: https://abag.ca.gov/our-work/housing/rhna-regional-housing-needs-allocation/2023-2031-rhna-appeals-process.
While the appeal process was underway, Danville continued to move forward with its Housing Element Update as a parallel process. Danville is currently expected to provide a minimum housing target of 2,241 units, a four-fold increase from the assignment of 557 units in the current housing element cycle. Although the Town of Danville is not required to build housing, it is the responsibility of local governments to plan for housing by ensuring that there are sufficient lands to accommodate the housing assignment. This is accomplished by updating the Housing Element to identify the parcels where housing could be built. The next phase of community outreach will include an additional tool on the DanvilleTownTalks.org engagement platform that will engage residents to solicit input on housing opportunity sites.
How can the community find out more and get involved?
The Town is encouraging community participation and input so that the final plan balances the mandate to accommodate growth while preserving Danville's history and character.
To find about more about Danville's Housing Element Update and sign up for updates, or add your comments and feedback, please visit www.DanvilleTownTalks.org
To learn more about the Town's Legislative Advocacy, visit https://www.danville.ca.gov/738/Legislative-Advocacy
You can also email questions to talkhousing@danville.ca.gov
For additional information, contact Public Information Officer Nicola Shihab at (925) 314-3336 or nshihab@danville.ca.gov.