Update for 2025
The Capital Improvement Program (CIP) includes projects to improve Diablo Vista Park. CIP Project B-560 to replace and upgrade the existing children’s play area, and CIP Project B-616 would construct a new multi-sport skatepark. In 2021, these two CIP projects were combined bid in the spring of 2024. Town Staff recommended awarding the construction contract to the low bidder, however, before the contract was awarded, the second bidder raised concerns and both bidders submitted protest challenging each other’s bid. As a result, the Town Council rejected both bids at its July 2, 2024, meeting. At an August 13, 2024, Study Session, the Town Council reviewed alternatives, including re-bidding the combined project or separating it into two separate bids. Ultimately, they decided to revise the design and bid documents to allow the children’s play area and skatepark to be bid and constructed separately. Both projects will be re-bid in 2025.
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