Pickleball Courts

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In 2017, the Town adopted an update to its Parks Recreation & Arts Strategic Plan ( “Strategic Plan”) after substantial community input including intercept events, online questionnaires, stakeholder interviews and focus group discussions. One of the strategic directions that emerged was a recommendation to expand recreational options in Danville, including pickleball. Given growing local demand for pickleball courts, the Parks, Recreation and Arts Commission (“Commission”) determined that pickleball was a Strategic Plan implementation priority.

Phase 1: Court Conversations

Over the course of two public meetings in early 2021, the Commission considered options to accommodate pickleball courts and elected to convert one tennis court into an exclusive pickleball court at Osage Station Park

Parks Commission Report and Summary of Actions - January 13, 2021

Parks Commission Report and Summary of Actions - February 10, 2021

Tennis Court Conversion to Pickleball Courts:

One tennis court at Osage Station Park converted to two pickleball courts. Completed April 2021.

Phase 2: Court Additions

Given the continuing demand for pickleball courts, a preliminary site analysis was performed at all Town-owned parks to determine the feasibility of adding new courts (rather than converting tennis or basketball courts due to the already limited inventory). At its July 13, 2022, public meeting, the Commission selected Osage Station Park as the preferred location for the construction of up to 14 pickleball courts.

Parks Commission Report and Summary of Actions - July 13, 2022

Notice of Public Hearing Posted - Proposed Addition of Pickleball Courts

Public meeting notice posted on October 28, 2022 for the Parks, Recreation and Arts Commission November 9, 2022 meeting. View the Public Hearing Notice.

Parks, Recreation and Arts Commission Meeting - Proposed Addition of Pickleball Courts

On November 9 and 30, 2022, the Commission held public hearings to consider adding pickleball courts at Osage Station Park. At the conclusion of the November 30 meeting, the Commission directed Town staff to conduct an initial study under the California Environmental Quality Act, including retaining an acoustical consultant to examine the potential impacts of a pickleball project with a maximum of 8 pickleball courts and 4 tennis courts.


In 2017, the Town adopted an update to its Parks Recreation & Arts Strategic Plan ( “Strategic Plan”) after substantial community input including intercept events, online questionnaires, stakeholder interviews and focus group discussions. One of the strategic directions that emerged was a recommendation to expand recreational options in Danville, including pickleball. Given growing local demand for pickleball courts, the Parks, Recreation and Arts Commission (“Commission”) determined that pickleball was a Strategic Plan implementation priority.

Phase 1: Court Conversations

Over the course of two public meetings in early 2021, the Commission considered options to accommodate pickleball courts and elected to convert one tennis court into an exclusive pickleball court at Osage Station Park

Parks Commission Report and Summary of Actions - January 13, 2021

Parks Commission Report and Summary of Actions - February 10, 2021

Tennis Court Conversion to Pickleball Courts:

One tennis court at Osage Station Park converted to two pickleball courts. Completed April 2021.

Phase 2: Court Additions

Given the continuing demand for pickleball courts, a preliminary site analysis was performed at all Town-owned parks to determine the feasibility of adding new courts (rather than converting tennis or basketball courts due to the already limited inventory). At its July 13, 2022, public meeting, the Commission selected Osage Station Park as the preferred location for the construction of up to 14 pickleball courts.

Parks Commission Report and Summary of Actions - July 13, 2022

Notice of Public Hearing Posted - Proposed Addition of Pickleball Courts

Public meeting notice posted on October 28, 2022 for the Parks, Recreation and Arts Commission November 9, 2022 meeting. View the Public Hearing Notice.

Parks, Recreation and Arts Commission Meeting - Proposed Addition of Pickleball Courts

On November 9 and 30, 2022, the Commission held public hearings to consider adding pickleball courts at Osage Station Park. At the conclusion of the November 30 meeting, the Commission directed Town staff to conduct an initial study under the California Environmental Quality Act, including retaining an acoustical consultant to examine the potential impacts of a pickleball project with a maximum of 8 pickleball courts and 4 tennis courts.

  • Notice of Availability of Environmental Documents and Public Hearing

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    On May 21, 2024, the Town Council will hear an appeal of the decision by the Town’s Parks, Recreation and Arts Commission to approve the addition of six pickleball courts at Osage Station Park. The Town Council will consider both the project itself and a proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Significance, prepared pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The draft Mitigated Negative Declaration supersedes the Negative Declaration reviewed and approved by the Parks, Recreation and Arts Commission and includes additional analysis of potential noise impacts of the project.

    The Study, draft Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Significance and all supporting documents can be found on the Danville Town Talks Document Library.

  • Pickleball Appeal Hearing Date

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    The Parks Commission, after listening to public testimony and reviewing all correspondence received by the Town, approved a motion to do the following: Approve the Resolution No. 01-2023, Adopting a negative declaration of environmental significance and approving the addition of six new pickleball courts with associated seating and addition of conditions of approval to address neighbor concerns regarding noise.

    A pickleball appeal hearing will be held on May 21, 2024, at which testimony will be received, for the Town Council to review and make a decision on the project.

  • Parks, Recreation and Arts Commission Meeting - December 13, 2023

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    The Parks Commission is being provided an update on the proposed addition of pickleball courts at the Parks, Recreation and Arts Commission meeting on Wednesday, December 13, 2023, at 6:30 p.m. in the Town Meeting Hall located at 201 Front Street, Danville, CA 94526. To view the agenda, visit www.danville.ca.gov/agendas.



    As previously directed by the Town's Parks, Recreation and Arts Commission, the Town has completed an initial study under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) of the proposed addition of pickleball courts at Osage Station Park. The Initial Study concluded that the proposed project would have no significant environmental impacts, and as a result, a Draft Negative Declaration of Environmental Significance has been prepared. The Draft Negative Declaration and supporting documents will be considered by the Commission at their meeting on December 13, 2023.

    The Initial Study, Draft Negative Declaration of Environmental Significance and all supporting documents can be found on the Danville Town Talks Document Library.

  • Parks, Recreation and Arts Commission Meeting - November 30, 2022

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    The Parks Commission, after listening to public testimony and reviewing all correspondence received by the Town, unanimously approved a motion to do the following: Direct staff to conduct a CEQA initial study, including retaining an acoustical consultant, to look at the potential impacts of a pickleball project at Osage Station Park. The study would look at a potential maximum project of up to 8 pickleball courts and 4 tennis courts, along with some bench seating near the courts. Once that study is completed, it will be made available for public comment. After that, the Commission will hold another public hearing, at which testimony will be received, to consider the study and to make a recommendation on the project.

  • Parks, Recreation and Arts Commission Meeting - November 30, 2022

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    On November 30, 2022, the Commission will continue their meeting from November 9, 2022 meeting. All community members are welcome and encouraged to attend.

    At the conclusion of the public testimony on November 9, 2022, the Commission “closed the public hearing” portion of the meeting and made a unanimous decision to continue their meeting to November 30, 2022, at 6:30 p.m. via teleconference. From a procedural perspective, this means that the public testimony portion of the hearing process has concluded (no additional testimony will be taken on November 30) and this allows the Commission to ask follow-up questions of staff and deliberate the information they’ve received during the process.

    Given that the Town Meeting Hall dais is unable to accommodate all Commissioners at the appropriate social spacing, the meeting will be hosted via teleconference. Meeting information is available at https://www.danville.ca.gov/129/Meetings-Agendas-Minutes.

  • Parks, Recreation and Arts Commission Meeting - Continued to November 30, 2022

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    At its November 9, 2022, meeting, the Commission took over 2 hours of public testimony and ensured that every individual who wished to speak had a chance to do so. At the conclusion of the public testimony, the Commission “closed the public hearing” portion of the meeting and made a unanimous decision to continue their meeting to November 30, 2022, at 6:30 p.m. via teleconference.

    From a procedural perspective, this means that the public testimony portion of the hearing process has concluded (no additional testimony will be taken on November 30) and this allows the Commission to ask follow-up questions of staff and deliberate the information they’ve received during the process.

  • Parks, Recreation and Arts Commission Meeting - Proposed Addition of Pickleball Courts

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    On November 9, 2022, the Commission will receive a status update regarding additional pickleball courts at Osage Station Park. All community members are welcomed and encouraged to attend.

    Given that the Town Meeting Hall dais is unable to accommodate all Commissioners at the appropriate social spacing, the meeting will be hosted via teleconference. Meeting information is available at https://www.danville.ca.gov/129/Meetings-Agendas-Minutes.

  • Notice of Public Hearing - Proposed Addition of Pickleball Courts

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    Public meeting notice posted on October 28, 2022 for the Parks, Recreation and Arts Commission November 9, 2022 meeting. View the Public Hearing Notice.

Page last updated: 06 May 2024, 08:52 AM