Diablo Road Will Re-Open April 18

Important Project Update
The Town is pleased with how quickly the Diablo Culvert Replacement Project is coming along, although a few circumstances beyond our control have led to extending the completion date. At this point, we expect to re-open Diablo Road on Tuesday, April 18.
Town engineering teams and contractor crews have been working diligently, and are near the finish line for this project. Unfortunately, both the wet weather and supply issues have hampered our progress. On Saturday alone, more than 1,000 tons of aggregate base (finely crushed rock) was delivered to the site – but not nearly as much as we had hoped – before the plant shut down. To mitigate supply issues as much as possible, crews have continued to work on other tasks within the project while we wait, to make sure that the delay is as short as possible.
These last days of the culvert project are filled with acquiring large quantities of supplies from multiple vendors, coordinating heavy equipment and precision engineering. This is a critical emergency replacement, and we appreciate the support the community has shown throughout. We will continue to provide updates on the project through Tuesday, and appreciate your patience while we make our roadways and drainage system better and safer.

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